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The Aurous Advantage

An expedited journey to successful funding

Learn more about our innovative approach

We understand the opportunities in front of our clients because we've experienced them, ourselves. As lifelong-manufacturers-turned-lenders, we meet your needs with rooted empathy and rigorous creativity, anchored in a belief that our clients' success should never be hindered by capital limitations.

Whether you want us to cover all of your costs or just some of them, we are prepared to fund any cost necessary to get finished goods to end buyers, including but not limited to: freight, freight forwarding, customs broker payment, direct manufacturer/copacker payment, raw materials, and LC negotiation.

Our ethical lending model
is agile and designed to save you money.

Aurous partners with over 75 major and boutique banks, factors, and asset-based lenders who will facilitate our exit from each transaction we underwrite. We have the capacity and comfort to cover up to $20 million of costs associated with any purchase order.

Typically, we expect to fund within 10 days of receiving a complete application package. Here's what that process looks like:

  • Step 1
    We spend 20 minutes on the phone together to understand your needs and explore the strength of our fit.
  • Step 2
    You compile and submit diligence documents and complete our application package. Most clients can get this done in an hour.
  • Step 3
    Over the course of a couple of days, our underwriting team will review your completed file.
  • Step 4
    You have an Operational Call with our underwriting team. This call takes an hour or less. After this call, Aurous issues an LOI.
  • Step 5
    Aurous conducts final diligence activities once you sign and return the LOI.
  • Step 6
    If necessary, Aurous negotiates an inter-creditor agreement with the AR lender of your choice (supposing we dont already have one in place; we do with over 75 banks, factors, and asset-based lenders, or "ABLs"). This often takes a matter of hours, though it can be a matter of days.
  • Step 7
    Client and inter-creditor contracts are issued, and upon execution, Aurous deploys funds on your behalf into your supply chain, and tracks the goods until they arrive at your end buyer.
  • Step 8
    Once you assign goods to your factor, bank or ABL, they verify the transaction and release the first funds from their advance to repay Aurous. The balance of proceeds from the advance are issued directly to you.

We'll give you a real quote within 24 hours